Monday, June 7, 2010

Letter to Mr. Dunlop

Dear Mr. William Dunlop,

I am writing you in response to the brutality you portrayed on the innocent victim, Sarah Baartman. After reading the harsh environment and treatment Baartman experienced because of you, I am doing all I can to prove that you are guilty of extortion and violence. You not only kidnapped and robbed Baartman of her home, but also her pride and dignity. I have never read a more appalling story, and it is with my gratitude to be representing Miss Baartman as a client and confidant.

You have used Baartman for your own wealth, while never giving her a penny after violating her publicly. Baartman has been seen as a circus freak and a spectacle for the body type she carries as a black woman. She was belittled and seen as an over sexual being because of her “unusually large buttocks and genitals” (Davie).

Backed by scholar, Ian F. Haney Lopez, we agree that your actions were based upon the discomfort you felt for the unknown. By coming into contact with something you were unfamiliar with, you claimed Baartman to be a freak, rather than acknowledging your unintelligence on such matters. Lopez and I agree that this was a way for you to oppress another race in order to raise your own. Lopez states, “The syncretic nature of racial, gender, and class constructs suggests that a global approach to oppression is not only desirable, it is necessary if the amelioration of these destructive social hierarchies is to be achieved” (Lopez, pp. 55).

Lopez has also gathered information from Court Justice White who claimed, “It has been found that differences between individuals of the same race are often greater than the differences between the ‘average’ individuals of different races…” (Lopez, pp. 53). Therefore, it is evident from these statements and findings that you are the one lacking critical information when exploiting another person.

Your use of Sarah Baartman as income and as experiment is going to come full circle when you are presented with experiments done that show the differences within individual races. The hope is also that the money you earned while using Baartman as a career will be paid to a campaign celebrating the ongoing triumphs of African women.

To enlighten you further, Dunlop, we as a people are more united in physiological aspects than you care to recognize. The individuals of a single culture vary in body shape, personality, and other characteristics. Yet, this is what makes a person uniquely individual, NOT a freak. You are also mistaken in your belief that you are of higher power than Miss Sarah Baartman. She, like you, is a human being. Her body shape may be of something you have never witnessed; she, also like you, may have been born a sexual being. These are qualities familiar with Homo sapiens.

It is highly advised that you try to enjoy the succeeding days, not by exploiting any other person(s). I give you this advice because it will be a miracle if you are not charged on any previous stated accounts, and hopefully with a plethora of others. With all of my power, I ensure you I will do my best so that you are viewed as the freak—not for your body shape, rather your disgusting sense of another’s worth.

Brittany L. Blevins
Attorney at Law

Works Cited:

Davie, L. Sarah Baartman, at rest at last. 12 August 2002.
Lopez, I. The social construction of race. 1994. pp. 52-56.


  1. Brittany!

    This was so creative! And the video was a perfect addition to your post.

    This quote from the video really stood out to me: "She couldn't really be human because she didn't look like a white woman." It's like we discussed in class: even today, do people and documents refer to Sara Baartman as a human being, or as something that is on display or being fought over? The fact that she was considered to be a freak and was completely out-casted in the world makes me believe that she was never really given the chance to show people that she was not all that different aside from her appearance. You said, "The individuals of a single culture vary in body shape, personality, and other characteristics. Yet, this is what makes a person uniquely individual, NOT a freak."...this statement says so much, and would have definitely made Cuvier's head spin. We have to give him the benefit of the doubt in the sense that he did not have many comparisons or prior biological research to base his findings on, but his motive was clear: to show that whites were superior, and people believed him because he was backed by science. It is so enlightening to know that our cultures today are so much more aware of the similarities and differences between people/races/genders, yet scary to think about how many are still so misinformed.

    With your letter, you are able to call Cuvier out on some of his assumptions and show him that we will not longer stand for his incorrect biological findings...YOU GO GIRL (; If only we had time travel for mail...this could be the beginning of a very solid case!
